Think you might be pregnant? A missed period is often one of the earliest indicators. Other common symptoms include breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination. Less obvious signs may include mood changes, bloating, light spotting, mild cramping, and specific food aversions or cravings. While a home pregnancy test can provide an initial answer, a lab-grade pregnancy test or a visit to your healthcare provider is recommended for the most accurate results. Schedule an appointment with us for a no-cost, lab-quality pregnancy test administered by a healthcare professional.
After a positive pregnancy test, the next step is a limited obstetric ultrasound. This ultrasound confirms if the pregnancy is viable by providing information on how far along you are, if the pregnancy is in the proper location in the uterus, and fetal heartones.
If you’re sexually active, there’s a possibility of having a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD), even if you feel healthy. Many STIs and STDs initially show no symptoms, so you may not be aware of an infection. These infections can still be transmitted without visible symptoms and, if left untreated, may lead to serious health issues. Regular testing is essential to safeguard your health.
Nurse consultations provide compassionate support for each stage of your journey, from prenatal care to postpartum recovery. Our nurses are here to connect you with trusted medical providers, answer perinatal questions, assess symptoms, and offer expert guidance for a healthy pregnancy. They also assist with resource referrals, such as nutrition and parenting classes, based on your individual needs. Additionally, our nurses assess mental health, providing compassionate care and connections to further support services.
Thinking about continuing your pregnancy after taking the first abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486)? Abortion pill reversal is possible, safe, and completely natural. Reach out now 1-877-558-0333 to connect with a medical professional who can guide you through the process and help you make the choice that’s right for you. It’s your body, your choice—and it might not be too late to change your path.
It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.
Napoleon Hill
“Hope Medical WA offers up-to-date, accurate information about all of your options regardless of age, race, nationality, religion, disability, etc. We are a non-profit that provides all services at no cost to you. Hope Medical WA provides information and services for educational purposes and does not make money from a woman’s decision, so we do not provide or refer for abortion services.”